Question from Megyn: Hi, Rick. I have a very good friend who I love dearly.
We’re also friends on Facebook, and every once in a while she’ll post something that I consider to be very inappropriate.
My question is if I choose to hide her objectionable posts, will she be able to tell that I hid them?
I don’t want to upset her but I don’t want “bad” things showing up on my Facebook either.
Rick’s answer: Megyn, when you choose to hide a post that shows up in your Newsfeed, that post will simply disappear from your Newsfeed.
The person that posted the now-hidden item will not be notified by Facebook that you hid their post.
An in case you’re wondering, hiding a post from your own Newsfeed doesn’t affect the original poster in any way.
The post you hid will still show up on their Timeline and in their friends’ Newsfeeds.
Also, if you are tagged in the hidden post your friends will still see it because of the tag. The only way to prevent that is to untag yourself from the post and then hide it.
I hope this helps, Megyn. Good luck!
Update from Megyn: That does help. A lot. Thanks!